Im having the same problem, even after downloading the other install folder it still won't install. Ive post a request in the help but no one has...
Sorry just wanted to add that I've searched for the problem and although I've tried all the solutions available (uploaded a different instal...
My storyform.php does not have this line included($preview && !$summary ? "<span style="font-weight: bold; color: red">*&...
I know this is a stupid question but I cannot figure out how to do the database insert, can anyone show me a jpg view of the steps? I find it much eas...
New skin looks good Jacs 😀
Oh it's very pretty! Well done 🙂
Thank you darling 🙂 (Sorry I took so long to reply but I've been super busy)
ohh thanks to everyone for helping (I never did manage to find it lol) and a big thanks to Jan for that nifty panel which is now in use on all of our ...
You could try through phpMyadmin? :Pok so I'm having a look now 😀 in 'favourites' on phpmyadmin but I've really no idea what I...