Downloading eFiction is super easy, and doesn’t require much technical knowledge. It can be done in literally three simple steps!
New Installation - Easy Method
Note: you’ll need to create your own database before installing eFiction for the first time.
Step 1
Download eFiction using the Direct Download button below, and extract it to a safe place, such as your desktop.
Step 2
Using FTP, or your hosts file manager, upload all of the files to your root directory, or wherever it is you want to install eFiction to.
Step 3
Go to your website and follow the installation guide to set up your new eFiction archive.
Github Repository
eFiction is entirely open source software, and you’re welcome to view all of our files via our Github repository. You’ll find the most stable version of eFiction there, as well as some tester versions that are incomplete. We only recommend using the stable version.
You can view our Github here –
Detailed Installation or Upgrade Guide
There are notes in the docs/ folder about the changes to skins in this version. However, there is no tutorial as of yet. It's also strongly suggested that you NOT put the site into maintenance mode or start modifying the script (even by adding modules or blocks) until you've actually confirmed that the install was successful. Upgrading from v.1.1: BACK UP YOUR FILES AND YOUR DATABASE FIRST!! Upload the 3.0 files OVER your 1.1 files. DO NOT DELETE YOUR 1.1 FILES UNTIL THE UPGRADE IS COMPLETE! Go to your site. The script will detect that the config.php file is for 1.1 and start the upgrade. Note: You're encouraged to choose one of the skins provided with the 3.0 script until you can update your 1.1 skins. There are numerous changes in the skins from 1.1 to 3.0. Note 2: Make sure your config.php file is CHMOD'd to 666. Upgrading from v.2.0.X: BACK UP YOUR FILES AND YOUR DATABASE FIRST!! Upload the 3.0 files OVER your 2.0 files. DO NOT DELETE YOUR 2.0 FILES UNTIL THE UPGRADE IS COMPLETE! Go to your site. The script will detect that the config.php file is for 2.0 and start the upgrade. Note: You're encouraged to choose one of the skins provided with the 3.0 script until you can update your 2.0 skins. Note 2: Make sure your config.php file is CHMOD'd to 666. Note 3: If you have installed blocks that did not come with the 2.0 package, turn them off before starting the upgrade. They will most likely be incompatible! Minor Upgrade from v.3.X to v.3.Y: BACK UP YOUR FILES AND YOUR DATABASE FIRST!! Upload the 3.Y files OVER your 3.X files making sure you do not over-write your config.php file. Generally, the images, tinymce, and skins folders will contain no updates and do not need to be replaced. Go to your eFiction site. The script should detect the updated files and ask you to update. If it doesn't go to NOTE: If you have your site bridged, remember to put the bridge back in place before running the update. Brand New Install: If you know basic web stuff like CHMODing, look below at step #1. If you have no clue what you're doing, just go to after uploading all the files to your server. 1) If you intend to write the story texts to the server or allow image uploads, you must create a folder where these files will be stored. CHMOD this folder to 777. During installation, the script will ask you for the location of this folder. If this folder is missing the script will attempt to create it for you during the install, but it is best if you create the folder yourself before beginning the installation script. 2) Move config.php from the docs folder to the main eFiction folder. This file was placed in the docs folder to help prevent accidental overwriting of config.php for upgrades. If the config.php is missing the install script will attempt to create it, but it's best if you move it. 3) CHMOD config.php to 666. 4) Go to to run the install and set up the admin login. 5) Login with the admin login and password set in step #4, and complete the configuration of your site through the Admin panel. Other info: 1) As written, the script is intended to be used in the following way: - Categories: you can have only one category, or as many as you want, including sub-categories. Categories were written with the intention that they would indicate different fandoms or categories of story. - Characters: Intended to mean the characters that fall within that fandom or category. - Classifications: Beyond categories and characters you can set up your own classifications such as genres, warnings, spoilers, story type, couple, etc. - Series: Series are collections of related stories by the same or multiple authors. A story and its sequels, for example, would be a series. Series might also be used for a "shared universe" in which multiple authors write. The person who creates the series is considered the series "owner" and controls whether or not the series is "open" to contributions by other authors or not. Even if the series is "closed", the series owner has the option to include stories from other authors in the series. - Challenges: Challenges are ideas/wishes for stories that a member or an anonymous visitor "challenges" authors to write. Stories written in response to the challenge can be listed under the challenge by the story author or an admin. Note: in 3.0 challenges have been made into an optional module. To install challenges goto Check out the Admin area for more information on all of these settings and more. 2) You can modify most of the text that is displayed in the script by changing the language file in the languages/ folder for the language you selected. Just change the text within the quotes for each line to whatever you want it to say. Some wording is included within the skin's files. If you have created a translation for eFiction, we encourage you to share it!
Need Help?
If you need any help, or if you have any questions regarding the installation, feel free to reach out on our Community forums!