Let's not forget Xampp and Wamp for developing on your computer before uploading to the live, production version of your install:They're lik...
Hmm, this may be a problem for the 3x General Support forum. I haven't dug into eFiction's code much further than the skins just yet.
And it's the same result if you switch skins?
Something went wrong with your theme. What files have you edited? According to HTML Validator, there's an extra div tag. You should re-uplo...
Aha! I knew something hinky was happening! :DIn your header.tpl, add a class to your a element that wraps around your image and call it whatever you w...
So you mean the site title? Right now the text is centered. I guess the easiest thing for you to do is add a text indent to the text you're tryin...
Hmm, strange. Your Midnight Blue skin doesn't look anything like the one I found over at Hugo's Nebula. I'm also not seeing any form of...
That's awesome! Thanks for the reply, Sheepcontrol. It's great to know that it's on the list of eventual possibilities. 😀
Hi, and sorry! I've been trying to figure out where to post this question about eFiction 5.0, but couldn't figure out the appropriate place,...