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Errors Within EFiction 5

7 Posts
3 Users
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Posts: 52
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Hi guys, I have no idea where to put this thread, so move it if I'e put in the wrong section, however I have come across an error in the admin panel when adding more than one character. This is the error:

{ICON:sort} ID {ICON:sort}
Internal Server Error
Undefined variable: LN__Sort_Label

[tmp/3leram8nbysk4.shsayew6tm0i.php:59] Base->{closure}()
[app/view/base.php:35] Preview->render()
[app/view/admincp.php:84] ViewBase::render()
[app/controller/admincp_archive.php:270] ViewAdminCP->listCharacters()
[app/controller/admincp_archive.php:27] ControllerAdminCP_Archive->characters()
[index.php:117] Base->run()

This error occurs in the two newest versions of vapourware.

Posted : 04/06/2018 12:38 am
Posts: 52
Trusted Member
Topic starter

This error is in the drafts section of the users profile.

{ICON:sort} ID {ICON:sort} Updated {ICON:sort} Story status {ICON:sort} Chapter status {ICON:sort-alpha-asc} Title
{ICON:edit} 1 01.01.70 01:00 Pending, author working
Internal Server Error
Undefined variable: LN__UCP_statusValidated_

[tmp/3leram8nbysk4.157m1ictd5ws9.php:74] Base->{closure}()
[app/view/base.php:35] Preview->render()
[app/view/usercp.php:27] ViewBase::render()
[app/controller/usercp.php:185] ViewUserCP->authorStoryList()
[app/controller/usercp.php:100] ControllerUserCP->authorStorySelect()
[app/controller/usercp.php:34] ControllerUserCP->author()
[index.php:117] Base->run()
Posted : 04/06/2018 1:11 am
Posts: 332
Reputable Member

That's missing language entries, no clue how they got lost.

I added the Sort_Label, gotta look into the other one, there could be an additional issue in the template.

Edit: The error in drafts is coming from the assumption that a story has at least one chapter with a completion status.
No chapter -> no status -> language error  :ohboy:

Good catch, thanks! (Fixed)

Posted : 12/06/2018 3:41 am
Posts: 71
Trusted Member

I listed mine here:

Posted : 21/08/2018 2:49 am
Posts: 52
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Topic starter

Some errors:

Shoutbox in the admin panel:

	 	{ICON:sort-numeric-desc} ID	{ICON:sort} Date	{ICON:sort} __Author	{ICON:sort} __Message

This at the bottom of the admin panel:

(0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fanficsbad_behavior WHERE `key` NOT LIKE '00000000'
(0.0ms) DELETE FROM `fanficssessions` WHERE (user = 0 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,`lastvisited`,NOW())>60 )
(0.0ms) SET @guests  := (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT S.session)
FROM `fanficssessions`S WHERE S.user IS NULL AND NOT (S.session = '073aa1a41a7d0df48dea2528b5582024' AND S.ip = INET_ATON('') )
(0.0ms) SET @members := (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user) FROM (SELECT * FROM `fanficssessions` GROUP BY user ORDER BY `lastvisited` DESC) as S WHERE
NOT (S.session = '073aa1a41a7d0df48dea2528b5582024' AND S.ip = INET_ATON('') )
(0.0ms) UPDATE `fanficssessions`S SET lastvisited = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE S.session = '073aa1a41a7d0df48dea2528b5582024' AND S.ip = INET_ATON('');
(0.0ms) SELECT S.session, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(S.lastvisited) as time, S.ip, IF(S.user,S.user,0) as userID,
U.nickname, U.groups, U.preferences, U.cache_messaging,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT U2.uid) as allowed_authors,
@guests, @members
FROM `fanficssessions`S
INNER JOIN `fanficsusers` U ON ( IF(S.user,S.user = U.uid,U.uid=0) )
LEFT JOIN `fanficsusers`U2 ON ( (U.uid = U2.uid OR U.uid = U2.curator) AND U.groups&5 )
WHERE S.session = '073aa1a41a7d0df48dea2528b5582024' AND S.ip = INET_ATON('');
(0.0ms) SELECT M.label,, M.icon, M.child_of,, M.evaluate, 1 as requires
FROM `fanficsmenu_adminpanel`M
WHERE ( `child_of` IS NULL  OR `child_of` = 'settings' )
ORDER BY M.child_of,M.order ASC
(0.0ms) SELECT `name`, `value`, `form_type`, `can_edit`
FROM `fanficsconfig`
`admin_module` LIKE 'settings_layout'
AND `can_edit` > 0
ORDER BY `section_order` ASC
(0.0ms) SELECT `name`, `value`, `form_type`
FROM `fanficsconfig`
`admin_module` LIKE 'settings_layout_file'
Posted : 09/10/2018 12:13 am
Posts: 332
Reputable Member

Using latest version and all? Because I just checked and the icons are there.

Stuff at the bottom is database log for debug, I will hide that before rollout.

Posted : 10/10/2018 6:52 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member
Topic starter

Yeah, it’s the latest version.

Posted : 10/10/2018 7:32 pm