Made by Artphilia
This bundle of skins provide the responsive skins I’ve created over the last couple of years for eFiction. On some of the skins I’ve used Font Awesome and Google Fonts to make them a bit fancy, but I haven’t had the time to update them for a while now. It’s possible that you have to update to the latest Font Awesome release by yourself, since I’m rather busy with real life lately.
Feel free to customise the skins to your liking. But keep in mind; if you mess something up, you have to fix it yourself!
This bundle includes the following skins:
Autumn Days, eMagazine, Enchanted, Epiphany, Frohe Weihnachten, Frosted, Fruity, Night Sky, Responsive, Rohan, Snow White, Sommerbrise, Stardust, Strawberry Cheesecake