He is? That's pretty cool. Will it be under gnu or apache? I just feel like I'd be must better at supporting a well organized project on git...
WowGood job everyone. I'll say more when i have free time.
I'm going to spare myself the effort of design and testing forum software
Sounds good, I can use the current name (efiction+) for the time being. Thank you for the position, but grab a couple of the posts i made and add them...
br>The script 3.5.3 as released has been abandoned since 2010, so I cannot say how it might comply. We'd have to pull together a mod or just use ...
Got new questions, what is the status of my being able to use the name of efiction 4?I'm also all for a page devoted to forks, cousins scripts et...
try this list out. I've been playing with mybb lately.
I'd like everyone to browse thisand tell me things that are interesting to you and if you feel like it, why.
I was thinking that maybe SMF is not the be all forum software. Is there allowance for debate on what to use? I am admitting the argument of user tran...
Think I'll have to find time this weekend to mock up a redesign for the site and forum on my own server. I'm thinking it the best way to con...
I can certainly do social network marketing. I do not use facebook myself, but I am familiar with how it works.
Alright, script aside. What shall we do for this forum and website? I'd give it a total new age make over. Should this be received well (cheer fo...
I feel the strength of the script will depend a lot on the strength of the community behind it. I've received a couple emails with lists of poten...